/* Tu umiestnené CSS bude ovplyvňovať všetky štýly */ /* Allow limiting of which header levels are shown in a TOC; <div class="toclimit-3">, for instance, will limit to showing ==headings== and ===headings=== but no further (as long as there are no =headings= on the page, which there shouldn't be according to the MoS). */ .toclimit-2 .toclevel-1 ul, .toclimit-3 .toclevel-2 ul, .toclimit-4 .toclevel-3 ul, .toclimit-5 .toclevel-4 ul, .toclimit-6 .toclevel-5 ul, .toclimit-7 .toclevel-6 ul { display: none; } .noautonum .tocnumber { display: none; } div#footer ul li#footer-info-lastmod { font-size: 85%; font-style: italic; color: black; } .cat-astronomia { color: #3F3FBF; } .cat-bezpecnopravna-oblast { color: #BF7F3F; } .cat-bilingvizmus { color: #AB1310; } .cat-civilna-ochrana { color: #828400; } .cat-doprava { color: #C69500; } .cat-filozofia { color: #004CA3; } .cat-frazeologia { color: #009DA3; } .cat-historia { color: #663300; } .cat-hist-meracie-jednotky { color: #704923; } .cat-korp-lingvistika { color: #0003B7; } .cat-marketing { color: #0B6F0C; } .cat-masmedia-kom { color: #598409; } .cat-migr-politika { color: #006093; } .cat-poz-ochrana { color: #C10000; } .cat-sach { color: #606060; } .cat-soc-praca { color: #B69829; } .cat-vulkanologia { color: #B62972; }